Friday, May 13, 2011

bad good week? good bad week?

I'm not sure yet how to classify this week/weekend. A really good, bad week. Or a really bad, good week.

I went home for a break between spring and summer season, and while it was nice to see some of my friends.....the majority of it felt rushed. I realized a week isn't long enough to see everyone I want or do all the things I hoped to do. I didn't even get to play with my pups Kanye and Zac. I wanted to spend more time just lounging around and finishing books on my reading list.

Instead I saw two different people each day all week for frozen yogurt, coffee, beach trips, youth night, hanging out, lunch, etc. I was exhausted by the time I drove back and wasn't really ready to leave. (I decided the next time I come home, I'm not telling people.)

At the same time, I was done and ready to come back to the bay. This place has been my home for the last month, and it has been a really good home to me. I have roommates that all love Jesus and serving Him, my bosses pray for me before I start a new task or errand or host a group, etc. The other day in the office, Kim got an email about some housing stuff in another city where CSM has a base, asked us (her husband and myself) immediately to stop and pray for them. Really?! I also may have mentioned this before, but the last church that came made me feel so at home with their group. I was included in and welcomed so quickly by them as their sister and it was comforting as I was getting especially homesick the last week. I think God has used them tremendously to show me what 'family' means among believers.


This week, after leaving home, I've felt the difference of being here and being 'home'......
Here I'm serving churches, focusing on Jesus for strength/energy, and realizing all the things about this city that I love. Each time I cross over the bay bridge into the city I think to myself "I will never get tired of this view." I love this place. I love getting other people to love this place. I love feeling unsafe and uncomfortable here. It reminds me that this world is not my home.

Then immediately I feel the attack of ish that is left behind.
I've been wrestling in prayer about the bonds I created with students I used to disciple and no longer can, and feeling the anger and frustration towards me because of that. I struggle at home with feeling so comfortable and complacent that my need for Jesus isn't that present. I struggle with friends moving on and losing that extra ear to ask for prayer. I think I'm scared that home isn't home anymore.

Example of the double life I feel like I'm living:
I fell asleep last night after seeing something stupid and dumb on facebook that includes friends back home. It immediately put me in a sour mood for the night/morning. I asked for prayer from my prayer partners. Then I'm in the city all day today with brothers and sisters who are doing amazing things and saying insightful things. I return to texts from my other brothers and sisters from last week encouraging me and reminding me of God's redemption.

It's just a hard balance right now.
I want to cry and shout for joy at the same time.

This has been a bad good week.