Thursday, April 14, 2011

free day.

This week none of us hosts had a group! Instead we've been serving at St. Vincent de Paul Dining Room and the Rescue Mission in Richmond. However, today was wonderful because we got a break from that and had a secret fun day planned by our bosses Kim and Jason. We knew nothing about the schedule except that we needed warm clothes and something to read.

My day started [the night before] with new sheets from Ikea that I love. Also, my bed is so flippin comfy. I have a foam mattress pad that works wonders on a side sleeper like myself.

Of course sleep was followed by a walk to my local It's a Grind for chocolate for breakfast, my latest and greatest tradition.

Then some time in the word. I've been reading a one-year devotional that's real nice. Later in the day I finished another chapter of "Let the Nations be Glad" by Piper. It's taking me forever to finish because each chapter is so thick! I read about Hell/Eternal Torment/Annihilation theories today.

We met back at headquarters for brunch and a devotional lead by Kim/THA BOSS, then departed walking to our first surprise.

To our surprise...Kim and Jason took us to see Hop! I'm a sucker for movies with talking animals so I was extra excited.

When the movie ended our next location was a grocery store to buy dinner! We were 'grilling' and decided to make kabobs, guacamole, and other random yummy things.

We got our goodies and headed to the beach!

We played for a bit then began cooking dinner.

Followed by good fellowship, food, and fotos.

That's SF in the far distance. Loved today.

Also, here are my boys from the Rescue Mission. These ones are the sons of the people who work there, so they aren't necessarily in poverty but still need that good support and fellowship of other Christians in Richmond.

That last one is my current wallpaper. Love it.

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